Check out what real users have to say about the Venus Factor.
Real user experiences and photos on this website are 100% volunteered without financial compensation. User results seen are not typical. They are a result of hard work and dedication
to this unique plan which is required to lose fat.

"My husband is the envy of his friends for essentially getting a "new" wife in mid-life!"

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Roberta Saum, Gold Run, California
Vital Stats: Age 52, weight lost 60 lbs., inches lost: 8" on waist, 10" on hips.
I was so frustrated with not getting the body I wanted.
It wasn’t until I found Venus Factor that I finally reshaped my body. I wasn’t very skeptical, which probably helped me to get started with the workouts, but there wasn’t really anything to worry about anyway. I just did three months as a test drive and the results blew me away, I completely changed my body and my whole life.
After doing the Venus program I realized that before I was doing almost everything wrong and way too complicated.
I’m 50 and I’m in the leanness and best shape of my life. I’ so happy, I have never been happier.

"The Venus Factor program ensures you have all the tools you need to reach the best shape you have ever been in."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Jannette Joly, Laval, Quebec
Vital Stats: Age 54, weight lost 60 lbs., inches lost: 11" on waist, 10" on hips.
I am so grateful to John who is an amazing guy by the way, he’s the type of trainer that a trainer like me looks up to. It’s important to understand that a complete program like this one is very hard to find and making things easier to do is essential for success when you’re too busy with your own life, let professionals like John, Brad and his team (yes their team because they are also FANTASTIC responding practically within the hour for any inquiries) ENSURE you have ALL the tools you need to reach the BEST SHAPE you have ever been in your entire life and your only responsibility is commit to JUST DO IT no excuses, not with a program like Venus Factor that works no questions asked as long as you do it.

"Eight children in 12 years and I look and feel better than I ever have in my entire life!"

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Sherah Taylor, Oregon
Vital Stats: Age 36, weight lost 60 lbs., inches lost: 12" on waist, 7" on hips.
Eight children in 12 years and I look and feel better than I ever have in my entire life! I've always had the determination and willpower to exercise and eat right, but was never EVER able to see such unbelievable results until I found Venus. I pinch myself every day to see if I am dreaming...

"I love the Venus Factor workouts and my body has transformed into something I thought I would never have!"

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Terry C. Warrington, Pennsylvania
Terry’s Vital Stats: Age 53, weight lost: 33 lbs, inches lost: 8” on waist, 7” on hips.
Due to time constraints I typically do half of a workout in the early morning and either finish it that night or the next morning. I do not spend a lot of time in the gym working out. This program is so doable even for someone who works full-time and is very involved in my church, son’s school and has a very active social life. I love the VF workouts and my body has transformed into something I thought I would never have! At my age I cannot believe the shape that I am finally getting, and I owe it all to the Venus Factor program.
My 54th birthday is next month and I want to thank John for creating a workout and an environment that has helped me have the shape I have always dreamed of, I feel awesome!

"At the beginning I doubted the program, but then I saw my after pictures I was sold. I will stick to the Venus program and I am not going to look for any other program anymore I have found what works, finally."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Brooke K.
I was pretty surprised when I saw my after pictures. I didn’t think I changed so much. The transformation was amazing.
You just don’t know how much you’ve improved until you compare your before and after pictures side by side.
At the beginning I doubted the program, but then I saw my after pictures I was sold. I will stick to the Venus program and I am not going to look for any other program anymore I have found what works, finally.

"I lost all my post pregnancy weight which was amazing. I can’t say enough about the community and the women in it.  I have never been part of an online community like this one-it is truly special."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Shannon C. North Carolina
Vital Stats: Age 37, weight lost 60 lbs., inches lost: 12" on waist, 8" on hips.
After seeing the results of the first Venus Transformation contest I bought the Venus workouts. I did the phase 1 workout from week 17 to early in my third trimester when I switched to shorter workouts. I became active on the community, where there were a few other pregnant Venuses and plenty of mothers of small kids! I felt the Venus perspective (both community and workouts) was so well targeted to me, and I loved the podcasts for delving into the psychology of weight loss, the simplicity and the success of contest winners.

"I have spent the last 17 years since having kids trying to lose weight. With Venus Factor not only did I meet my goal but I surpassed it and weighed in at 131 lbs. for my 40th birthday. The best birthday present ever!"

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Sheila Kibe - Milroy, Pennsylvania
Vital Stats: Age 40, weight lost 50 lbs, inches lost: 10" on waist, 9" on hips.
At the beginning of 2012 I was doing what I always do, searching for a workout program to help me lose the weight I had gained the previous year. Every year it was the same goal and that was to reach 135 lbs by my birthday in October. The only difference was that this was my fortieth birthday and I wanted to enter my forties in the best shape of my life. I have spent the last 17 years since having kids trying to lose weight. So working out and dieting is nothing new for me. Some years I had success but it was like a roller coaster up and down. This year when I stepped on the scale I weighed 173 lbs and I decided that it was time to take control. I spent January through May doing different exercise programs but only managed to lose 13 lbs, how pathetic is that?
I was busting my butt with cardio and I didn’t seem to make any improvement in the appearance of my body. I realized that my eating was a major issue and I started searching online for how low I could go without putting my body into “starvation mode” and that is how I happen to come across the Venus Index. I listened to a short video that intrigued me and I then purchased VI 1. I started on June 17th at 160.5 lbs and my first week was just getting through the fasting and then the 2nd week was when I started the actual workouts. From that point on, I never looked back and I never strayed. 6 months later, I am 50 lbs lighter and 37 lbs of that was lost through using the Venus Index and Eat Stop Eat. And the best part was that not only did I meet my goal but I surpassed it and weighed in at 131 lbs for my 40th birthday. The best birthday present ever!

"The community is full of great people who are always supportive and encouraging and the workouts are absolutely amazing."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Kimberley Alamandy, Jew Jersey
Vital Stats: Age 32, weight lost 38 lbs., inches lost: 8" on waist, 6" on hips.
Only through Venus was I able to gain the tools to achieve the kind of body that I wanted. I can't say enough good things about this program and all the tools that are provided to help you reach your goals. The podcasts are a wealth of knowledge that really help you understand what you should focus on, the community is full of great people who are always supportive and encouraging and the workouts are absolutely amazing. I've never looked or felt better than I do now following the Venus lifestyle.

"Imagine my surprise when I discovered that with Venus all you had to do was eat less and lift heavy; I was hooked! I could still enjoy the things I loved (in moderation) and that was the icing on the cake for me."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Jenn C.
Vital Stats: Age 39, weight lost 25 lbs., inches lost: 7.5" on waist, 4" on hips.
Losing weight has been the story of my life and I was ready to begin a new chapter when I discovered the Venus Factor in September 2012. My journey with VI has been life changing; and I can honestly say that starting was the best decision I could have ever made for myself. In the beginning of 2012 I got caught up in the "eat more to weigh to less" movement and got fat. So imagine my surprise when I discovered that with VI all you had to do was eat less and lift heavy; I was hooked! Food has always been my downfall, to find a program where I didn't have to be so restrictive with my choices and I could still enjoy the things I loved (in moderation) was the icing on the cake for me. ESE and the VI workouts have played a major role in my new health and fitness lifestyle. I may not be at my VI ideal weight or metrics right now but I am confident that as long as I continue to trust the process and work towards my goals I will be at my VI ideal in no time.

"At the Venus Factor I found a supportive community of Venuses who really care and help you."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Liss Graham - Dumas, Texas
Vital Stats: Age 28, weight lost 14.8 lbs, inches lost: 2.5" on waist, 1.75" on hips.
I have struggled with weight since I can remember even knowing what weight is, probably around 3rd grade. I was DONE yoyo’ing. I needed something that worked but was maintainable. I was at the gym 5 days a week and taught classes there! I watched what I ate. Why did I not look like it? People should have been able to look at me and think, wow she works out!
Then I came across Venus. Finally! Someone put a number to my height. And it was NOT weight! What? That is brilliant, using Fibonacci’s golden ratio for aesthetics! Well, I liked it when I saw it.
At VI, I found a supportive community of Venuses who really care and help you. And it worked, I am committed to this program FOR LIFE!

"After following the program to the T, here I am now; 44 years old with the same waist I had in college, a ten month old baby, and fit and strong as ever!"

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Barabara Highland, Mexico
Vital Stats: Age 44, weight lost 50lbs, inches lost: 9" on waist, 10" on hips.
After following the program to the T, here I am now, three months after, 44 years old with the same waist I had in college, with a ten month old baby, fit and strong as ever and with the toned body I always dreamed of (without exercising, of course). I look better than most of the girls I see at he gym that are less than half my age. Thank you John.

"This is the first time I realized that losing fat and getting in shape is not complicated. In fact, it’s pretty simple stuff."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Michelle Acorn, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Vital Stats: Age 33, weight lost 26 lbs, inches lost: 5" on waist, 4" on hips.
Venus was a completely new approach to me. I never tried anything like it, the workouts were challenging and the diet simple, completely contrary to what I did in the past.
I didn’t even go to the gym; I was just working out at home.
And I didn’t even have to restrict myself at social events, pretty much no one knew what I was doing.
It was really the easiest thing I have ever done.

"I’m in a shape that I can maintain for the rest of my life and on top of that I made several friends with the girls in the community."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Alisha McGinn - Boone, Iowa
Vital Stats: Age 34, weight lost 28 lbs, inches lost: 5" on waist, 4" on hips.
The program had everything I have been searching for. The workouts were intelligently written and I knew they will work. The Venus Factor also offered a contest and as a motivation the guys were interviewing the winners and asking them what exactly they did to get in a better shape.
I made a commitment to get to a best shape of my life and Venus allowed me to take action in a good direction that ultimately got me in shape.
Truth to be told, even I am shocked by the results.
Venus also helped me discover all the myths about diets and the scare tactics marketers use on us to sell more supplements, foods and dietary programs.
Get the Venus Factor, join the community and start the journey today.
If I could do it, you can do it too.

"When I found Venus it was like a light bulb went off. These tools have been phenomenal for my eating habits."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Tina Roman - Glendale, New York
Vital Stats: Age 39, weight lost 37 lbs., inches lost: 10" on waist, 8" on hips.
I got the results I wanted using the Venus program when nothing else seemed to be working.  The Venus Community was a huge part of that success.  You can ask a question at any time, and there's a Venus somewhere ready to offer support, encouragement and advice.  Just reading through the blogs and posts you see someone going through the same struggles you are.  The program is awesome on its own, but the women in the Community put it over the top!

"I have never seen such a friendly group of girls willing to help each other out."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Kelly Hancock - New York City, New York
Vital Stats: Age 26, weight lost 30 lbs., inches lost: 6" on waist, 5" on hips.
It’s still hard to accept that this is really how I look now. It takes some time to get used to your new body after a big transformation.
However, I am super happy with the way I look and am very proud of my body and my accomplishments.
In the past I didn’t look exactly the way I wanted and wasn’t able to keep the unwanted weight off. I would always gain and lose 20 pounds every year. It was depressing, frustrating and exhausting.
The Venus Factor Program is created in a smart, but simple to understand and follow way; it’s based on science and math, no BS.
The community is amazing too. I made so many friends there that I lost count; we talk all the time and hang out a lot.
Don’t waste another second and get on board and join us too.
The program will transform your body and if you have any questions you can ask me or some other girls on the forum for help and we will give you the best tips we know.

"After having 4 kids Kass proves that you can have the body you want if you’re willing to do the work even after pregnancy weight gain and she says "I have already begun the process of living a balanced life"."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Kassandra B.
Vital Stats: Age 32, weight lost 38 lbs., inches lost: 5" on waist, 4" on hips.
I was always small as a kid. Everyone called me skinny Minnie, so I still see myself as a small person. I wore a size 4 in the military and seemed to work hard enough back then to eat whatever I wanted without gaining weight. Then I started having kids and I’ve yo-yoed with my weight ever since; gaining 60 pounds, then losing 40, gaining and losing, over and over.
I saw the Venus transformation contest winners and they looked awesome so I decided to give it a try. The Venus Factor has given me the shape I have always wanted. I love the Venus workouts. It’s really fun and it made me really sore at first, but I finally started building muscle that even my husband has noticed. It’s the best workout since being in the military.

"I'm a wife and mother of two active boys with a busy schedule; Utilizing the community's tools and seeing others struggles helped me get through this first part of my journey."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Teresa Shaner - Dallas, Pennsylvania
Teresa’s Vital Stats: Age 36, weight lost: 13 lbs, inches lost: 2” on waist.
At the age of 35, a history of health issues incurred by my mother and siblings made me realize I needed to get fit for myself and for my family. I wasn’t extremely overweight, but enough that I wasn’t comfortable in my clothes and felt weak. I had a need to feel stronger both inside and out.
Joining Venus was one of the best decisions I made, not only did I begin seeing better results, but I actually had more time to spend with my family at the end of the day. Utilizing the community's tools and seeing others struggles helped me get through my journey.

"I am very excited to see and feel the changes and how this affects me, my family and friends."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Lacey M.
Vital Stats: weight lost 36 lbs., inches lost: 6" on waist, 4" on hips.
I feel as if I have been on a rollercoaster of emotions and thought processes. At the beginning I felt very unsure that I would be able to complete or stick with the program for the whole twelve weeks. After a couple weeks I definitely started to feel on the top of the world as if nothing could stop me or hold me down.
I loved the high and feeling of success and that change was occurring in so many aspects of my life. As I entered in to the third cycle of the program I began to fall back into to the old thought patterns of low self-worth that I had before beginning the workouts. Through much self-reflection of the past weeks I realized I wasn’t going back to before but that this twelve weeks was only jut the beginning of the new me, that these "after" photos were going to be my new before photos that in another 12, 20 weeks or a year from now I will look at these after photos and see how much further I have come.
I feel that this transformation has given me the much need reunion with the person I used to be before I had my first baby that the women who was fun, confident, driven and passionate was back. In fact not only was she back, but she was back with vengeance! I am very excited to see and feel the changes and how this affects me, my family and friends. As already I have had multiple people close to me come and thank me for giving them the motivation and the confidence that they too can have transformation for themself.
For this I thank you Venus Factor.

"I never really thought that in 12 short weeks I would not only be at my lowest body weight since the age of 10, but I’d be wearing a bikini in public and have muscle tone to show off."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Donna Moy - South Yorkshire, UK
Vital Stats: Age 25, weight lost 15 lbs, inches lost: 1" on waist, 3" on hips.
I find it amazing that it is possible to completely transform your body from something that was always hidden, to something to be proud of in just 12 weeks. When I started I knew I was committed to making a change, but I never really thought that in 12 short weeks I would not only be at my lowest body weight since the age of 10, but I’d be wearing a bikini in public and have muscle tone to show off.
The program ensured that as I became accustomed to a routine, it changed and kept me motivated to continue. About half way through I realized that I could feel muscles I never knew I had, and from that point on every week I could see a difference. I’ve now completed phase I and this is just the beginning, Now that I’ve lost weight, this is where the hard work begins!

"This is the look I really wanted my entire life. I’m 46 years and I’ve finally achieved it. I wasn’t this lean and fit since I was a teenager."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Naomi Sandoval - Gainesville, Florida
Vital Stats: Age 46, weight lost 45 lbs., inches lost: 7" on waist, 5" on hips.
I love my pictures, very excited, this is the look I really wanted my entire life. I’m 46 years and I’ve finally achieved it.
And I owe this achievement to the team at the Venus Factor, because I wouldn’t have gotten in such a shape without them and their program.

"To me Venus Factor means freedom from ever being the “fat girl” again and thanks especially to my Venus sisters for your unwavering support!"

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Suzy, Venice, California
Vital Stats: weight lost 20 lbs, inches lost: 3" on waist, 3" on hips.
I joined the Venus Community last November, I realized that this was working so well I just had to have Immersion so that I would always have access to every nook and cranny of Venus. At the end of 12 weeks of the Venus Factor I have lost over 20 pounds and over 3 inches off my waist. I have no intention of stopping and will continue to work towards my ideal Venus measurements. Venus serves my need for a program that has both consistency and variation, something you can play with. Because I’ve realized that’s what healthy bodies and minds need and crave - FREEDOM: freedom to eat, to not eat, to lift heavy one day and do a metabolic circuit the next. And, to me, Venus means freedom from ever being the “fat girl” again. Big thanks to John, and thanks especially to my Venus sisters for your unwavering support!

"It was amazing to find out that other women had exactly the same challenges and hearing them talking about what they were doing to get them handled was amazing."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Maro K.
Maro’s Vital Stats: Age 32, weight lost: 24 lbs, inches lost: 4.5” on waist, 2” on hips.
The community and the podcasts were really an asset and huge support for me.
When I had a bad day, I would just post there and immediately felt better after the supportive comments. I had some backwards days, crazy work, and weak will power at some days, but support from the community really helped me keep going.
It was amazing to find out that other women had exactly the same challenges and hearing them talking about what they were doing to get them handled was amazing.
Venus helped me simplify my life and I finally know that I could actually be the rule maker in my diet and don’t have to make myself eat certain way if I don’t want to.
Venus is truly a great system.

"I never felt beautiful. In Venus, I found a program that wasn’t just about taking me to the point of thinness. This program would help me to get that smoking HOT factor."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
April Harkness - Chicago Illinois
April’s Vital Stats: Age 36, weight lost: 21 lbs, inches lost: 5” on waist.
I dove headfirst into fitness after graduation. I scored near perfect on my pt test in the Army, became a marathon training coach, received my personal trainer certification. But I never felt beautiful. In Venus, I found a program that wasn’t just about taking me to the point of thinness. This program would help me to get that smoking HOT factor.

"I have not looked and felt this good in 21 years, since high school. The Venus Factor is a program that almost woman can do for the rest of their lives and not feel like they are spending hours every day in the gym."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Rose S.
Vital Stats: Age 39, weight lost 50 lbs., inches lost: 9" on waist, 12" on hips.
Since I began my Venus Factor journey last May 2012 I lost 50lbs. However, in 3 short months, I lost 11lbs, 2.5 inches off of my waist, 2 inches off of my hips and 2 inches off of my shoulders.
I am very proud of what I accomplished. I would highly recommend without reservation the Venus Factor program to anyone wanting to get into the best shape of their lives because this program works and has totally changed my life. I have not looked and felt this good in 21 years, since high school. The Venus Factor is a program that any woman can do for the rest of their lives and not feel like they are spending hours every day in the gym.

"This is the simplest program and approach I have ever followed in the past 10 years. After trying multiple other programs, Venus is the only one that finally worked."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Karen C.
I found the Venus Factor though Turbulence Training and Eat Stop Eat.
I entered the Venus transformation contest and I was amazed by my pictures after the contest. My friends and family were surprised at how much weight I lost.
I was athletic though college but later I gained weight. I tried many of the popular workout programs. All the programs had me eat 5 meals a day and extra protein and it was just too much food.
What finally worked for me was learning to eat the right amount of calories and plan to save enough calories to have fun on the weekend. This was really the key for me. It changed how I choose foods. It made me realize how many calories are in certain foods. Now I look up nutrition menus before I go to restaurants so I have an idea of what I should be eating.
I liked that the Venus workout program was specifically designed for women. I really loved the workouts and it made it fun to be consistent.
This is the simplest program I have ever done and it is the first one that ever worked.

"The program was well calculated and laid out for me, I just had to follow. I know how to do this now. It’s just simple math. There are no more excuses."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Deanne, H. Los Angeles, California
Vital Stats: weight lost 22 lbs., inches lost: 6" on waist, 3" on hips.
It’s simple really, either you do it or you don’t. It WAS simple. That simplicity carried me through all the mental and emotional banter that has resulted in confusion and despair in the past. The program was well calculated and laid out for me, I just had to follow. I know how to do this now. There are no more excuses. Thank you John for the education you have given me that led to my success.

"Venus Factor allowed me to get in touch with my primary goal again and they showed me the simplest and easiest steps to get in shape."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Lara Campbell, Vancouver, British Columbia
Vital Stats: Age 38, weight lost 20 lbs, inches lost: 4” on waist, 2.5” on hips.
Marathon running was my identity, a badge of honor. But what I was really doing was just letting it hijack my real goal – weight loss. I just wanted to get lean, that’s all I wanted, but I would do these stupid things like hours of exhausting running every day or taking taekwondo classes.
Venus allowed me to get in touch with my primary goal again and they showed me the simplest and easiest steps to get in shape.
No more training for a marathon or a black belt. Now I can spend time doing what really works to get me to my goals.
Now I am happy with the way I look.

"I walk all day long for my job and I managed to eat low enough to lose 15 pounds while still enjoying food like ice cream and pizza.  I ate slightly more on days I move more and created bigger deficit the rest of the week."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Leora Hansen - Salt Lake City, Utah
Vital Stats:  Age 29, weight lost 19 lbs, inches lost: 5" on waist, 1" on hips.
I didn’t think I had a lot of weight to lose. I didn’t know how to lift heavy enough weights until doing the Venus Factor. I used to just lift really light 5 pound dumbbells. It was really neat because I didn’t realize how strong I was until doing the program and finally lifting heavier weights.
I found the Venus Factor through Eat Stop Eat. I was very skeptical of the Venus workouts at first until I saw the Venus transformation contests. Once I saw how others could change it made me realize I could change so I took the program more seriously.
I decided to enter the contest and I thought it would be easy but my goals were not very realistic. I thought I would just kill it. I wanted to lose fat and gain muscle and stay the same weight. I thought I would gain as much muscle as the fat I would lose.
I lost 15 lbs of fat and didn’t realize I had that much to lose. Now I realize building muscle is going to take more time. Losing fat was the easy part for me and I learned how to do that in the community and with the Venus program. I really like the community forum for the wealth of information. The answers to everything is there.

"I'm in the greatest shape I've been in my whole life. Thank you, thank you, and thank you!"

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Stephanie S.
Vital Stats: Age 35, weight lost 14 lbs., inches lost: 3" on waist, 4" on hips.
I have literally wasted years of my life, that I could have looked great if I followed the principles of Venus earlier.
A friend of mine told me that she admires my endless energy and I just couldn’t believe that, because that’s not who I was a year ago.
Venus completely changed the way people see me.

"I saw the Venus Factor transformations, so I was like “I want that”, got the program immediately, got on forums, and started interacting and immediately following the protocols. The weight just fell off."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Heather B.
Vital Stats: Age 48, weight lost 15 lbs, inches lost: 3" on waist, 4" on hips.
I’m glad I found the Venus systems, because my husband was really struggling with my inability to eat like a normal person. We would travel to Italy I would just not eat like everyone else and would have to get my special meals, because what was on the menu was forbidden, that’s no way to live!
I dove right in. I saw the Venus transformations, so I was like “I want that”, got the program immediately, got on the forums, and started interacting and immediately following the protocols.
And the weight just fell off.
I always thought I was too old for such a transformation, but turned out I was not!
The Venus factor is really different, it doesn’t require you to change and identify with the approach like all the other programs, you don’t have to stop talking to other people, just because they choose to eat or workout differently.
The program is great, it’s all based on science, it all makes sense and is simple to follow.

"The community is amazing. I was scared that those girls will be somehow too extreme, but what I have found out that they are all intelligent, same minded women that are willing to help each other out."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Elisa M.
Elisa’s Vital Stats: Age 42, weight lost: 24 lbs
At one time in my life I was close to 180 pounds.
Despite the fact that I was eating “clean” and “healthy foods” during the day and everybody viewed me as the healthy food expert, I wasn’t very happy with my weight.
Then when I searched for a better way of doing this I stumbled across the Venus Factor.
The Venus system is amazing. The approach logical and it makes so much sense. It’s more flexible and simpler than anything I have tried in my life so far.
And the community is amazing. I was scared that those girls will be somehow too extreme, but what I have found out that they are all intelligent, same minded women that are willing to help each other out.
This finally worked and the Venus team know what they are talking about.

"Before Venus Factor I was ashamed of even taking a bikini picture, today people are asking ME what to do to get in shape."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Molly P.
I was an athlete in college. I played a lot of tennis and had a strict diet regime. But after college things started falling apart and I gained a lot of weight.
Later I had a lot of health issues related to hormones in the body so I did a lot of research on diet and fitness and found Eat Stop Eat and read it. I contacted Brad Pilon and asked him a lot of questions about my concerns.
Then I learned about the Venus Factor and tried the workouts. I found the community forum very helpful. Through the community I found that everything about diet and workouts is mostly mental. Every question I ever had was answered in the forum.
I got ideas from other girls in the community and tried everything they tried. A lot of things that worked for others didn’t work for me. I had to put the scale and tape measure away and know I was doing everything in my power to succeed by estimating my calories and sticking with the workouts. I didn’t just do Venus workout, I also played tennis and a lot of other activities.
The community provides the option to talk to the like minded people, who are not going to judge you and are on the same page as you, and have same goals as you.

"Never having been a part of an online community prior to this I have been blown away by the amount of support on the forum. I am proud to call my Venus sisters my friends, and I have been so grateful for their support."

venus factor review,Pros and Cons of The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Real user experiences
Dominique D.
Vital Stats: Age 37, weight lost 7 lbs., inches lost: 4" on waist, 2" on hips.
I was looking for something simple but real. Not just a quick fix, but a way of life that would fit into my life. I found that in the venus factor. I like that there is science behind it, it is not just a fad or trend, I can approach it on my terms.
Bottom line, this is the first program I have followed through with long term. I am learning to integrate it into my life slowly, and while I am not all the way to my ideal venus metrics yet, I am working towards it at a pace that has me confident that this is a new way of life for me!

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